Wednesday, February 2, 2011

lyk, omg.

i'm so excited for sweethearts.
a senior like myself should be more involved with the school.
being a third wheel isn't that fun.
kudos for graduating.
i need a job.
or money, you know, whatever comes first.
my three goals for dance?
be amazing at turns.
find love.
basically, i'm a nerd when it comes to love.
i know what not to do.
but when something happens, i'm clueless.
hopeless romantic.
that's what i am. 
forever and for always.

frustration, to the complete max.
because it's there, i know it is.
there just is something that tells me not to tease it.
it's like when you know there's something in the bush.
noise is coming from it, and you can even see it's tail.
but do you want to pull it out of the bush to investigate?
it could be something really bad, and could attack you.
or it could be something cute..
like a squirrel or something.

that's where my mind is at right now.
and i found out today, that i suck at drawing boxes.
like, all technical like and whatnot.
basically, i know i already said this, but i need money.
boopity boop boop.
talk about an amazing discovery.
beef stew is my best friend.
i really want to go swimming sometime soon.
gas is needed in my car.

something i really want to do?
put a slice of cheese on the sidewalk.
and take a picture of it everyday.
for like, a month.
or two months. depending on what happens.
see if it'll do what happened in diary of a wimpy kid.
good idea? 
i think so.

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