Thursday, February 10, 2011

broken record.

i'm just going to end up repeating myself in this.
you can't judge a person by their cover.
i'm sorry, it's just... basically impossible.
unless they tell you everything about themselves,
on a tattoo on their skin or something.
because not everyone is as happy as they seem.
something might be happening in their family.
they might be personally hurting.
but the strongest people are the ones,
that can put up a front, and make you believe
what they want you to believe.
teachers that automatically assume that someone
was walking around the school instead of 
coming to their class... piss me off.
because that doesn't have to be the reason.
what if their favorite dog died that morning?
what if their family lost their house the night before?
there are so many things that could have happened.
and that's why i try not to assume negative things about people.
i'd rather say, oh, that person looks nice,
than say, oh, that person looks like a douche bag.
because i have no idea what that person is going through.
i'm hoping that the person will like me enough to tell me.
if not, i will eventually learn on my own.
because i read people well. i feel their emotions.
so usually i can tell their day is suckish without them telling me.
then i automatically turn into happy person.
even if i'm having a terrible day myself.
i'd rather help someone else feel better.
in turn, i make myself feel better.
it's almost a win win situation.
the only bad thing is that people usually don't know
when i'm not happy. because i get over things
easily, and then.. it's like. only certain people
care to make things better. 
so please, don't judge people before you know.
seriously. i can't press this enough.
i'm probably sounding like a broken record.
because this is something i strongly believe.

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