Thursday, February 3, 2011

i'm readin' a book.

yes. i'm reading the book of mormon.
well, i kinda was myself.
i figured it's about time i do.
and already, i'm only a couple of chapters in...
there are a lot of things that i like.
i'm going to highlight everything.
so.. i hope my highlighter doesn't run out.
because i like to smell my scriptures.
the highlighter smells like ice cream.
heh. nerdy, i know.
but yeah. i'm reading a book.
julian smith made that song?
it's amazing.. so simple...
and it's all hardcoreish when it's about 
something that isn't.
reading books. (:
i love reading books.
basically, i haven't read in a while.
something i should start up again.
reading is great for vocabulary.
so you can sound smarter!
haha. anyways. that is all.
read books.

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