Sunday, December 26, 2010

what else can i say.

there are so many things running through my mind right now.
i'm not exactly sure of what to say.
hmm, i guess i'll say the thing in the front.
when i was younger,
my father used to toss an orange in front of me.
i would come crawling to him.
oranges, you see, are my favorite fruit.
because of my dad and doing this.
i even won a bunch of races as a baby,
just because i'd crawl so wildly to the orange.
unfortunately, a woman noticed what my father was doing.
and distracted me by waving her arms,
just so her own child would win the race.
so i didn't go very far.
today i watched a video about the christmas orange.
i never realized it had such a significance.
my family always puts an orange in the stocking.
down in the toe, it's a given.
there seems to be a much bigger story to it.
if you haven't read it or heard about the christmas orange,
i suggest you read about it.
because it made me feel special about getting an orange in my stocking.
hmm, what else could i say.
i got more things on christmas that i didn't mention.
half of them i can't even explain.
so that last post didn't give my christmas justice.
uhm, i'm really sick of christmas music now.
no, i don't lack spirit, i'm not a scrooge.
christmas music is just meant to be heard...
up until christmas. after that, it's done for.
now, i'm going to go dwell in my little box.
that i like to call my house. (:

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