Tuesday, December 14, 2010

busy day.

today has been a terribly, but amazingly, busy day.
actually, this week is going to be a busy week.
yesterday was the smoothest day this week.
today, i had to work on the centerspread.
left school late.
had to get ready, cash a check, head to sandy.
at three thirty, we left for olive garden.
got there at four thirty. stupid traffic.
ate, then went to see the christmas carol.
it was truly, and utterly, amazing.
so proud of those people.
then we went to chili's,
had those molten lava cakes.
white and milk chocolate... mm.
then i went to my cousin's to pee,
and then i drove home.
tomorrow? going to temple square.
for mutual, with my young women.
thursday, i have my dance performance.
friday, i'm hanging out with michael.
then the stag dance, in our ugly sweaters.
( oh, i'm going to lunch with parker tomorrow. )
then on saturday, justin's birthday party.
sunday, church.
monday, it's christmas break.
i think things will cool down after that.
but as of right now, this week is crazy.
even though it's crazy,
i feel like i have a life.
and i love it.

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