Friday, December 17, 2010

makeshift winter.

do you remember holding my hand?
around and around we went,
caught, in the makeshift winter.
the sounds of the world softly singing.
encouraging us to go farther.
further into the roundabout that we couldn't escape.
this memory had left me.
as if trying to tell me it wasn't important.
that you would never look at me the same way.
today, i thought i saw that.
the instantaneous glint of hope that people hope for.
it's a long shot, one of those most people don't take.
basically, i'm one of those people.
after this memory, though, i miss you.
miss that time when we were lost.
holding hands, together, against the wind.
you're going to do great things in life.
letting go of my hand changed everything.
so you escaped, leaving me alone.
to go around and around, in my makeshift winter.
without you.
others are stuck there with me, as well.
the ones that had someone with them,
but their someone had something going for them.
all of those people have their own winters.
the ones that you can't stand, that you die in.
so i'm waiting here, for someone else that's stuck,
to come around and bump into me.
together, we'll fall in the cold.
somehow it will work out, and we'll both make it out.
without a scratch to show.
and you won't even know.

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