Thursday, December 16, 2010

fear of falling.

what is love?
is it a feeling, or an action?
most can't explain it.
"when it happens, it just happens."
those butterflies in your stomach.
stomach drops through the floor.
that point in time where you swallow your life,
and stick your neck out.
that person that makes your world stop turning.
they can either cut your head off,
or give you something special.
when you're with them, 
nothing else matters.
it's just you and them. together.
no one else in the world matters.
if it's meant to be, things will work out.
otherwise, it's not worth it.
you'd do anything for that person.
they'd do anything for you.
if it's not like that, i don't think it's love.
lust, physical attraction, forced love.
not the actual thing.
sometimes it's better to just jump.
jump into the water, don't look where you jump.
i think it's better to be friends first.
get to know them, why you think they'd be great for you.
because when you don't,
there are a lot of bumps in the road.
of course there are some that overcome those bumps.
me, i'm not one of those people.
love is a scary thing.
most of the time, love sucks.
because you can't stop your heart.
those feelings will be there forever.
when you get your heart broken,
it takes forever to pick up the pieces.
sometimes there are people to help you pick them up.
you have to remember to remember those people.
i always say there are lots of crazy couples out there.
crazy couples maybe, but they have a purpose.
they have something in common.
something that make their hearts come together.
then there are the people who have multiple relationships.
people like that are constantly searching for someone to make them happy.
those types sadden me.
why can't you find something else to make you happy?
people aren't meant to be constantly used.
it's just horomones half of the time.
be careful of who you fall in love with.
only say that you love someone when you mean it.
because if you don't, you'll regret it later.
love can be dangerous. treacherous.
but with your friends, it's endless.

i have a fear of falling.
because when i like someone,
i put myself out there for them.
let them know everything about me.
be myself around them.
if they don't like me the same,
i'm crushed.
so just a precaution, everyone with a heart.
be cautious when it comes to love.
never let it go.

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