Friday, January 14, 2011

thinking back.

today in seminary,
i thought back.
on everything that had been a turning point
in my life.
it started with my parents getting divorced.
then them getting remarried.
how my mom took me to church.
when i bore my testimony to kelsy's church.
oh, and before then, my baptism.
when my first nephew was born.
the list went on and on.
it made me realize that lots of big things have happened.
but yet, i'm still here.
nothing has stopped me so much,
that i couldn't go on living.
that made me feel really good.
because i kept on truckin'.
donkey kong country returns is a great game.
i love my nephews so much.

have you ever expected something.
you were almost one hundred percent sure,
that it was going to happen,
because every hint or clue,
led you to believe it was bound to happen,
and then it didn't?
just like that, you had planned things out.
and what do you know, it doesn't happen.
i greatly dislike that feeling.
makes me not want to have hope for anything.
because that small stepping stone of hope,
led to the real big hope.
that i'm not so sure of anymore.

he's at the ocean for the first time.
i wish i was there with him.

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