Thursday, November 11, 2010


today i found out that i can't cry at school.
isn't that interesting?
i thought it would be the other way around.
crying for attention, so people feel bad for you.
"are you okay?" 
when they obviously can tell you're not.
but no, something was stopping me.
i'm not sure what, but i'm glad i waited.
when the tears finally came, they were hot.
painful, sad drips down my face.
silly emotions, causing my body to leak.
i went throughout the day in a terrible mood.
the tears that came eventually were a sign of that.
actually, i had been wanting to cry for a few days now.
it was all bottled up and finally came out.
but not everything has to be sad.
i watched toy story three tonight.
after the whole thing was towards the end,
i realized... i have been watching toy story since i was a kid.
andy is seventeen, i'm seventeen.
once that hit me, and he was giving up his toys,
it meant that i had to give them up as well.
then came the other side of my day.
happy tears, tears of closure, of fulfillment.
i don't think i've ever cried so much at a movie.
and it's all the workings of disney and pixar.
to create a movie that has been there my entire life.
that i now must give up with the rest of the world.

silly emotions, making my body leak.
i've had both sad and happy tears today.
all in all, they're just salt water.

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