Tuesday, November 30, 2010


am i the only one that thinks it should be special?
like your first kiss should be memorable.
something you'll think of, and never forget.
of course, half the time it doesn't happen.
first kisses are always the worst.
but the second ones are better.
at least, for me, that's how it was.
for others, i have heard the same thing. 
then again there are some that don't believe that.
i've been told that 'it's just a kiss.'
as if it's nothing different.
i guess it's understandable coming from a boy.
another certain boy thinks kisses are special.
that they mean something.
which i think is quite sweet of him.
but wanting a kiss just to say you've been kissed...
that angers me. it ruins the point.
get someone you like to kiss you, then.
don't use one of your friends.
even if you're strictly 'just friends'.
that just makes it weird.
because kissing is influential.
one single kiss means a lot.
i've heard that in a movie somewhere.
you can tell everything about a person,
from their kiss. so when you kiss,
you're trying to know someone.
when you kiss someone just for the heck of it,
that knowledge is thrown away.
and i don't like that point of view.
kissing is spontaneous, sweet, cute, everything.
i think kissing in public is okay, too.
making out, not so much.
but a cute little peck...
those make me happy on the inside.
means two people are making an exception for each other.
they're getting to know someone,
someone that they could possibly love.
i don't know. i just like it when...
two people kiss because they like each other.
and when they kiss, there's fireworks.
not a bunch of dead sparklers.
that's what i think. so, yeah.

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