Friday, November 12, 2010


today has been a significantly better day.
but i also realized one of my pet peeves.
you know when you open up a milk jug,
and there's little crusties around the rim?
i HATE how some of them fall into my cup.
seriously, it just... irritates me to no end!
i wonder if there is such thing as a devised overreaction.
like your whole mind and body make you freak out about something,
when really you didn't need to at all.
because if there's not a such thing,
i'm pretty sure i just made that up.
soo i get to hang out with madison tonight.
she just makes me happy, i don't know why.
but there's a reason why i know her, and i'm glad i do.
... even though her boyfriend is retarded.

with those flakes that fall from the milk carton.
are they bad for you? since they're dried milk?
wouldn't that be terrible if you got sick from those.
it's almost like... alcohol or something.
delicious to some, poisonous to others.
i have to make up a dance about alcohol.
the movement of people while they're intoxicated.
still trying to figure that out, and it's more difficult than i thought.
hopefully i'll have one of those little lightbulbs pop up.
that way, the dance will be amazing.
let's just hope and drink some malk.

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