Wednesday, November 10, 2010

the snow.

this is terrible. what the heck. 
i'm going to make this as long as possible so a certain person won't read it.
because it's about him..
i understand that not being with someone for a while,
then suddenly getting one, 
might be a big life changer.
that's exactly what it is. a life changer.
if you don't change your life to accommodate,
then what's the point?
i mean, i love the saying 'ho's before bro's'.
and also 'dicks before chicks'.
so that totally makes sense. but.. it is harsh if you don't do it the right way.
i got told today that 'i want to spend all my time with him.'
isn't that what you want? when you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
to spend time with them?
especially in the beginning of your relationship.
and to keep it simple, i'm backing off.
not going to find him, he can find me.
that type of standpoint.
but right now, when he leaves and doesn't tell me himself...
that kind of angers me. but oh well, i'll get over it.
being in a relationship takes patience from both sides.
therefore, i'm going to be patient. he's going to have to come to me.
i'll be there for him when he wants me to be.
gosh. what a crappy day today has been.
i hope everyone else's has been better.
because life just isn't worth sweating the small stuff.
( p.s. i love the snow. )

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