Saturday, June 18, 2011

youth conference.

the past few days i have been at youth conference.
we went to this amazing place in delta.
complete with pool tables, racquetball, ping pong,
and so much more.
not only was the place great,
the people were great, too.
our stake is something special.
the owner of the place we went said so.
not in a short bus type of way.
in a way that we stand out from others.
brought a light to the place, if you will.
i know it sounds cliche, but, you get the point.
we did many amazing things.
made a family with people we didn't know.
had an unorganized round of speed dating.
and battled our ways with water.
but those things were only a small speck of the main reason we were there.
the whole thing with the homeless really set us off.
from there, we learned the whole time,
how it's our responsibility to be knowledgeable.
of Christ, the second coming, who we are, who we're going to be.
the standards we should have throughout our lives.
every ward was supposed to do a service project.
one big thing to make a difference.
well, our ward doesn't roll like that, as stated.
we did a bunch of little service projects to make a difference for many people.
the last night we were there,
we watched a wonderful movie.
it just... i can't even describe it.
then we got to gaze up at the stars and think.
think about what we needed to change about ourselves.
when we got awoken at four thirty in the morning,
to sounds of wind, thunder, and the earth trembling,
it really put it in perspective for us.
that the world could come to an end at any time.
and we need to be prepared.

the whole thing ended with a testimony meeting with our wards.
of course, because of my big mouth,
i bore my testimony.
and i'm sorry if this post is extremely religious,
but i have strong beliefs.
i love my ward. each and every person in it has made me a better person.
i love my heavenly father, and all he does for me.
and i am very grateful to have the courage to go throughout these days,
with the trials thrust upon my back,
and know, that whenever i need help, i have people that love me.
that would do anything for me, if i simply asked.
it's up to me to knock. 
once i knock, i shall receive.
i am glad that my ward understands me.
and that i can be myself around them.
i am glad that i don't have to put up a front like i do everywhere else.
and i know this is silly,
but guess what i'm going to say at the end of this?


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