Sunday, May 22, 2011


i remember for my sister brendi's first wedding.
my pleasure was to be the flower girl.
they told me to take definite steps.
not walk like normal.
step, flowers. step, flowers.
so that's what i did.
they were very defined steps.
and i had a white dress.
with a red ribbon.
my hair was curly.
and i just remember those steps.
and all the people around me.
after that, it gets a little blurry.
but i love memories like that.
silly childhood. (:
i'm glad i could help with my sister's wedding.
even if it wasn't the best.
it brought me my two redhead nephews,
that i love more than anything,
so it's alright.
it had to happen.
everything happens for a reason.
and i can't wait for bridgit's wedding.
to be there with my sisters.
it's going to be AWESOME.

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