Saturday, May 21, 2011

the number four.

my sister bridgit is getting married this next sunday.
i'm super excited to go to vegas.
it's her third marriage...
but this memory is going to be of her first.
she lived in american fork.
in her road, there was a large sewer drain.
you could see the bottom of it.
one day, her husband at the time,
dropped his wedding ring down it.
so, they of course, turned to me.
i was the smallest, could fit into the drain.
he got all this rope and tied it around me,
and lowered me into the drain.
i had to find the ring, which was easy.
and all it was down there was wet pebbles.
then he pulled me back up.
i felt like a hero that day...
it was pretty sweet, but also very scary.
if he would have dropped me... 
pretty interesting memory, i think. (:

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