Thursday, November 13, 2014

gladly, occasionally, open.

gladly, occasionally, open

gladly telling me how beautiful i am
how great that i smell
what you love about my body
that you care about me so much.
gladly make me smile
how my soul reaches my eyes
what you can see when you look at me
that you want to always be with me.
gladly listen to all my problems
how my world never seems to be right
what you show me is that only love matters
that you'll be with me until the end.

occasionally you make this laugh
that is so perfect in every way
you fill my heart with so much joy
my bear with a tickle in his feet.
occasionally you feel sad
that is really sad to see
you have so much love in your heart,
my sweet lumberjack with a sliver.
occasionally i can kiss you
that is one of my favorite parts
you kiss me back with such passion
my rock with a soft side.

open my heart to you
and you let me into yours
always listening, always responding
being who i have always wanted.
open my eyes to see you
and amazed by what i see
always smiling, laughing, looking
being my statue of delight.
open my soul to you
and you will make me yours
always together
being exactly what we should be.

gladly, occasionally, open.

Friday, May 9, 2014


how about you try to explain it to me
why it was so easy for you to let go
after everything we've been through together
every laugh and every smile
the songs we'd sing together
the moments that i'll cherish forever

how you looked me in the eyes
and promised me that you loved me
that you were going to be with me
and fight for me
work with me
to get to a place where we could be happy

you made me feel important
made me feel loved and special
only to turn around and say i wasn't something you wanted from the beginning
like i didn't give my all for you

would have taken a bullet in my heart
rather than lose yours

tell me why that's okay
because clearly i'm not understanding
how one so important can suddenly be stranded
their heart dangling from a tree branch

trying not to fall down
to prevent itself from breaking
keeping one arm towards the sky
waiting to be given a hand
from the one that they love

who let them go