Saturday, August 20, 2011


i don't want to be weak.
using alcohol as an escape.
a stress reliever, an excuse
to act a certain way or do certain things.
i don't want to be weak.
by calling other people out by drinking.
it's their own choice, their own decision.
although i know it's not good for them,
i'm not going to tell them how to live their life.
and in return, i'd ask them not to tell me how to live mine.
i don't want to be weak.
i want know what i'm doing at all times,
be aware of a cute boy hitting on me,
or a perverted old guy giving me those eyes.
and i want to be able to tell the difference.
i don't want to be weak.
and tell people that i love that i'm better than them.
or that they are better than me.
i don't want to be weak.
so weak that i jump off a cliff just because
everyone else is doing it.
just because they are funny and happy when they drink
doesn't mean i will be.
i don't want to be weak.
and disappoint people that i look up to.
i want to look up to people with a smile
and not look down into a toilet while they help me.
i don't want to be weak.
i want to be strong.
alcohol is for the weak
and bodied.
do you want to be weak?

Thursday, August 18, 2011


my sister and i fight,
she hurts my feelings,
won't apologize for it,
and she's the one not talking to me?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

i'm sorry i'm

a child
with no job,
suffer from low self esteem
and depression.
i learn from the best.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

became of you.

"i was talking to myself about you the other day, we were wondering what became of you."

the beauty of a rose.

the beauty of a rose.
the velvet feel of every petal,
telling a different story with every touch.
reaching out as the sun shines down upon it,
singing it's life through the bush.
the love it feels as the touch of the bumble's spread the excitement,
to other flowers away from the bush,
telling them of the wonderful things to come.
when the water comes from above and refreshes all,
the green leaves take in all the change and embrace it,
spreading it through the cluster as a fresh disease.
the strength of the stem, the beauty of it,
how it curves, turns, spirals,
bends and entices with every branch.
the thorns that tell you of the rose's past,
how it's been broken,
been hurt, and had to defend itself somehow,
against the wars of the world.
the people that don't just stop to smell,
but to also touch.
and that you must be prepared to handle the rose.
handle the beauty, the smell, the secret power.
one wrong touch and you're sent into a world of hurt,
forever remembering that one time,
that one regret,
when you mistreated that rose.
the roots that hold the rose to the world,
keep the rose grounded to have a strong stem,
strong petals,
and a strong smell.
a smell to bring you close, to make you beg.
that smell that everyone longs for, but hardly gets.
only for special reasons, at special times.
the rose forgives all, loves all, believes all.
gives hope to many.
never take the beauty of a rose for granted.
you can look, but be careful when you touch.
the bumble's protect it and keep it alive.
the leaves give it nourishment and love.
the bush gives it a place to be comfortable.
the branches give it strength to grow to it's full potential.
when you take a rose from all of that,
it's under your protection.
you must love it.
you must make it comfortable, give it strength.
only then..
will you realize...
the beauty of a rose.

Monday, August 1, 2011

romancing the stone.

as you all probably know,
i role play.
i explained it already, so i don't need to.
but it's just interesting to me.
i have four boy characters and one girl.
it's easier for me to play men.
because i know how i want them to be.
and how i don't want them to be.
the girl is just like me, pretty much.
with the same insecurities and quirks.
but she's prettier.
all of my boy characters have a girl that they're with.
two of them are in love.
one is married, and the other just proposed.
i know i'll sound crazy.
but their thoughts are completely different from mine.
i'll be walking around my house,
and something reminds me of them.
or if someone says something,
i'll have different responses from my characters in my head.
they're all completely different people.
even if they all reside in my head, they're different.
all the movies, people i've met, songs i've listened to...
that's where they come from.
and it's interesting for me when they're in love.
i'm pretty sure i don't know what love is.
no, i'm positive i don't.
never felt it.
i've seen it, but it's not like you can learn from that.
love is something you have to feel to believe.
i could become a hermit and hate on love.
but i don't.
it's weird for my two guy characters to be in love.
and have their thoughts of the ones they love,
lingering in my mind.
it's amazing how they think of them.
it makes me jealous.
i want someone to think of me that way.
alright, call me crazy.
that's just so mind blowing to me.
how i don't know what love is, but they do.
i'm done confiding in you.

i'm going camping soon.